Fr. Abraham Azmy, M.D., Ph.D.
Fr. Abraham Azmy, the founder of Holy Sophia University and the Dean of its administration, has received his Ph.D. in Christian Education, with a speciality in Leadership in Education from Calvary Chapel University in 2020. He serves at Virgin Mary & Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Church in Hamden, CT.
8 دورة
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- $200.00
Educational Psychology
0 درس0 طالب - $200.00
Education: Middle & High School
0 درس0 طالب - $200.00
Health & Sex Education
0 درس0 طالب - $200.00
Education: Stewardship (Amin al-Khidma)
0 درس0 طالب - $200.00
Education: Elementary Sunday School
0 درس0 طالب - $200.00
Education: Classroom Management
0 درس0 طالب - $200.00
Education: Instructional Technology & Motivation
0 درس0 طالب - $200.00
Bible & Science
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