Mary Ghattas, Ph.D. Candidate
Mary Ghattas is a PhD Candidate at Claremont Graduate University. She is working on her dissertation project in Religion, focusing on the History of Christianity in the Middle East. Her current research explores the issues around writing a modern history of Christianity in Egypt on specifically the Oriental Orthodox confession which include: the Coptic, Syriac (Indian), Armenian, Ethiopian, and Eritrean churches. While focusing on their ecclesiastical and diplomatic relations, she hopes to also shed light on their communal life in Egypt. She currently teaches Coptic Studies and Church History courses at Agora University.
3 دورة
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- $200.00
Church History III: The Arab Conquest to Modernity 2
0 درس0 طالب - $200.00
Church History III: The Arab Conquest to Modernity (1)
0 درس0 طالب - $200.00
Church History I: The Early Church & Coptic History (2)
0 درس0 طالب