Obtain your degree at Holy Sophia University:
HOLY SOPHIA UNIVERSITY is a Coptic Orthodox University. Its President is HH Pope Tawadros II. Its Vice President is HG Bishop David of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of New York and New England, U.S.A. For more information, please email: director@holysophia.email. Any course duration is 8 weeks, and the tuition per course is $375.00 ($125.00 per credit hour). All master’s degrees require the completion of a bachelor’s degree. Holy Sophia University adopted a Racially Nondiscriminatory Policy. It admits students of any race to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities.
How can you shorten the length of your program and earn your degree faster?
Holy Sophia utilizes technology in order to provide education remotely to a geographically-vast student body all over the world. The convenience of such an online education is multi-faceted: 1) Each intensive course is only 8-weeks long. 2) Each student can work anytime throughout the week to complete the respective assignments. 3) Multiple courses can be undertaken in those 8 weeks which would enable you to earn your degree faster. Our online university is guaranteed to suit your busy lifestyle no matter the situation!
1MMFM 521 |
Christian Marriage Preparation |
1MMFM 632 |
Child Development & Parenting |
1CHED 676 |
Sex Education |
1CCOU 682 |
Bioethics & Contemporary Issues |
1CCOU 652 |
Christian Counseling and Psychotherapy |
1CCOU 586 |
Behavioral Addiction and Transformation |
1MMFM 621 |
Infidelity in Marriage |
1MMFM 623 |
Crisis Intervention |
1MMFM 627 |
Domestic Violence & Anger Management |
1MMFM 636 |
Homosexuality |
1MMFM 639 |
Gerontology |
1MMFM 663 |
Practicum I |
1MMFM 665 |
Practicum II |
1WRIT 694 |
Capstone Project |
1APOL 511 |
Apologetics I |
1APOL 512 |
Apologetics II |
1APOL 513 |
Apologetics III |
1APOL 514 |
Apologetics IV |
1APOL 615 |
Apologetics V |
1APOL 616 |
Apologetics VI |
1APOL 617 |
Apologetics VII |
1CCOU 682 |
Bioethics & Contemporary Issues |
1EVAN 621 |
Evangelism |
1BIBL 524 |
Biblical Archaeology |
1BIBL 625 |
Bible & Science |
1THEO 544 |
Orthodox Soteriology |
1THEO 546 |
World Religions |
1WRIT 694 |
Capstone Project |
1APOL 511 |
Apologetics I |
1APOL 512 |
Apologetics II |
1APOL 513 |
Apologetics III |
1APOL 514 |
Apologetics IV |
1APOL 615 |
Apologetics V |
1APOL 616 |
Apologetics VI |
1APOL 617 |
Apologetics VII |
1CCOU 682 |
Bioethics & Contemporary Issues |
1EVAN 621 |
Evangelism |
1THEO 544 |
Orthodox Soteriology |
1THEO 546 |
World Religions |
1WRIT 691 |
Thesis I: Proposal |
1WRIT 692 |
Thesis II |
1WRIT 693 |
Thesis III |
1CCOU 682 |
Bioethics & Contemporary Issues |
1CHED 571 |
Instructional Technology |
1CHED 572 |
Classroom Management |
1CHED 573 |
Sunday School Teaching |
1CHED 574 |
Questioning and Discussion |
1CHED 575 |
Educational Leadership |
1CHED 676 |
Health & Sex Education |
1CHED 677 |
Educational Psychology |
1EVAN 621 |
Evangelism |
1MNST 552 |
Sports Leadership Ministry |
1MNST 551 |
Youth Ministry |
1THEO 545 |
Comparative Theology |
1THEO 546 |
World Religions |
1WRIT 694 |
Capstone Project |
1CCOU 682 |
Bioethics & Contemporary Issues |
1CHED 571 |
Instructional Technology |
1CHED 572 |
Classroom Management |
1CHED 573 |
Sunday School Teaching |
1CHED 574 |
Questioning and Discussion |
1CHED 575 |
Educational Leadership |
1CHED 676 |
Health & Sex Education |
1CHED 677 |
Educational Psychology |
1EVAN 621 |
Evangelism |
1MNST 551 |
Youth Ministry |
1MNST 552 |
Sports Leadership Ministry |
1WRIT 691 |
Thesis I: Proposal |
1WRIT 692 |
Thesis II |
1WRIT 693 |
Thesis III |
1BIBL 528 |
Egypt in the Bible |
1BIBL 524 |
Biblical Archaeology |
1CHHT 531 |
Church History I: The Early Church |
1CHHT 532 |
Church History II: The Early Church & Coptic History |
1CHHT 533 |
Church History III: Coptic History & Chalcedon |
1CHHT 534 |
Church History IV: 1st - 7th century |
1CHHT 635 |
Church History V: 8th - 14th century |
1CHHT 636 |
Church History VI: 15th - 21st century |
1ELCT 601 |
Elective I: 15th - 21st century |
1PATR 661 |
Patristics |
1PATR 663 |
Introduction to Desert Fathers |
1THEO 545 |
Comparative Theology |
1THEO 546 |
World Religions |
1WRIT 694 |
Capstone Project |
1BIBL 528 |
Egypt in the Bible |
1BIBL 524 |
Biblical Archaeology |
1CHHT 531 |
Church History I: The Early Church |
1CHHT 532 |
Church History II: The Early Church & Coptic History |
1CHHT 533 |
Church History III: Coptic History & Chalcedon |
1CHHT 534 |
Church History IV: 1st - 7th century |
1CHHT 635 |
Church History V: 8th - 14th century |
1CHHT 636 |
Church History VI: 15th - 21st century |
1PATR 661 |
Patristics |
1PATR 663 |
Introduction to Desert Fathers |
1THEO 546 |
World Religions |
1WRIT 691 |
Thesis I: Proposal |
1WRIT 692 |
Thesis II |
1WRIT 693 |
Thesis III |
1APOL 511 |
Apologetics I |
1BIBL 624 |
Biblical Theology |
1BIBL 625 |
Bible & Science |
1CCOU 682 |
Bioethics & Contemporary Issues |
1CHHT 533 |
Church History III: Coptic History & Chalcedon |
1EVAN 621 |
Evangelism |
1THEO 541 |
Dogmatic & Systematic Theology I |
1THEO 543 |
Christology |
1THEO 544 |
Orthodox Soteriology |
1THEO 545 |
Comparative Theology |
1THEO 546 |
World Religions |
1THEO 641 |
Pastoral Theology |
1THEO 642 |
Spiritual Theology |
1WRIT 694 |
Capstone Project |
1APOL 511 |
Apologetics I |
1BIBL 624 |
Biblical Theology |
1BIBL 625 |
Bible & Science |
1CCOU 682 |
Bioethics & Contemporary Issues |
1CHHT 533 |
Church History III: Coptic History & Chalcedon |
1EVAN 621 |
Evangelism |
1THEO 541 |
Dogmatic & Systematic Theology I |
1THEO 543 |
Christology |
1THEO 544 |
Orthodox Soteriology |
1THEO 545 |
Comparative Theology |
1THEO 641 |
Pastoral Theology |
1WRIT 691 |
Thesis I: Proposal |
1WRIT 692 |
Thesis II |
WRTH 653 |
1WRIT 693 |
APOL 601 |
Apologetics I |
CCOU 641 |
Behavioral Addiction and Transformation |
CEMT 601 |
Bioethics & Contemporary Issues |
CHED 604 |
Questioning and Discussion |
CHED 605 |
Educational Leadership |
CHED 611 |
Health & Sex Education |
CHSC 601 |
Bible & Science |
EVAN 601 |
Evangelism I |
MNST 501 |
Youth Ministry |
MNST 601 |
Sports Leadership Ministry |
THEO 604 |
Orthodox Soteriology |
CAPS 501 |
Capstone Project |
1APOL 511 |
Apologetics I |
1BIBL 625 |
Bible & Science |
1CCOU 586 |
Behavioral Addiction and Transformation |
1CCOU 682 |
Bioethics & Contemporary Issues |
1CHED 574 |
Questioning and Discussion |
1CHED 575 |
Educational Leadership |
1CHED 676 |
Health & Sex Education |
1EVAN 601 |
Evangelism |
1MNST 551 |
Youth Ministry |
1MNST 552 |
Sports Leadership Ministry |
1THEO 544 |
Orthodox Soteriology |
1WRIT 691 |
Thesis I: Proposal |
1WRIT 692 |
Thesis II |
1WRIT 693 |
Thesis III |
1BIBL 521 |
Introduction to Old Testament I |
1BIBL 524 |
Biblical Archaeology |
1BIBL 525 |
New Testament I |
1BIBL 624 |
Biblical Theology |
1BIBL 625 |
Bible & Science |
1CCOU 682 |
Bioethics & Contemporary Issues |
1LANG 501 |
Coptic Language |
1LANG 502 |
Biblical Hebrew |
1LANG 503 |
Biblical Greek |
1PATR 664 |
Patristic Scriptural Exegesis I |
1THEO 543 |
Christology |
1THEO 544 |
Orthodox Soteriology |
1THEO 545 |
Comparative Theology |
1WRIT 694 |
Capstone Project |
1BIBL 521 |
Introduction to Old Testament I |
1BIBL 524 |
Biblical Archaeology |
1BIBL 525 |
New Testament I |
1BIBL 624 |
Biblical Theology |
1BIBL 625 |
Bible & Science |
1CCOU 682 |
Bioethics & Contemporary Issues |
1LANG 501 |
Coptic Language |
1LANG 502 |
Biblical Hebrew |
1LANG 503 |
Biblical Greek |
1THEO 544 |
Orthodox Soteriology |
1THEO 545 |
Comparative Theology |
1WRIT 691 |
Thesis I: Proposal |
1WRIT 692 |
Thesis II |
1WRIT 693 |
Thesis III |
APOL 601 |
Apologetics I |
BIBL 601 |
Introduction to Old Testament I |
BIBL 602 |
Introduction to Old Testament II |
BIBL 605 |
Biblical Archaeology |
BIBL 611 |
New Testament I |
BIBL 612 |
New Testament II |
CEMT 601 |
Bioethics & Contemporary Issues |
CHAD 501 |
Church Administration |
CHHT 603 |
Church History III: Coptic History & Chalcedon |
CHSC 601 |
Bible & Science |
EVAN 601 |
Evangelism I |
LANG 601 |
Biblical Hebrew |
LANG 602 |
Biblical Greek |
LANG 603 |
Coptic Language |
LTTS 601 |
The Holy Liturgy I (Church Rites) |
PATR 601 |
Patristics I |
PATR 603 |
Introduction to Desert Fathers |
THEO 601 |
Dogmatic & Systematic Theology I |
THEO 603 |
Christology |
THEO 604 |
Orthodox Soteriology |
THEO 613 |
Pastoral Theology |
THEO 621 |
Comparative Theology |
WREL 601 |
World Religions |
WRTH 651 |
Thesis I |
WRTH 652 |
Thesis II |
WRTH 653 |
Thesis III |
APOL 601 |
Apologetics I |
APOL 602 |
Apologetics II |
BIBL 601 |
Introduction to Old Testament I |
BIBL 602 |
Introduction to Old Testament II |
BIBL 605 |
Biblical Archaeology |
BIBL 611 |
New Testament I |
BIBL 612 |
New Testament II |
CEMT 601 |
Bioethics & Contemporary Issues |
CHAD 501 |
Church Administration |
CHHT 601 |
Church History I: The Early Church |
CHHT 603 |
Church History III: Coptic History & Chalcedon |
CHSC 601 |
Bible & Science |
EVAN 601 |
Evangelism I |
LANG 601 |
Biblical Hebrew |
LANG 602 |
Biblical Greek |
LTTS 601 |
The Holy Liturgy I (Church Rites) |
PATR 601 |
Patristics I |
PATR 603 |
Introduction to Desert Fathers |
THEO 601 |
Dogmatic & Systematic Theology I |
THEO 603 |
Christology |
THEO 604 |
Orthodox Soteriology |
THEO 611 |
Spiritual Theology |
THEO 613 |
Pastoral Theology |
THEO 621 |
Comparative Theology |
WREL 601 |
World Religions |
CAPS 501 |
Capstone Project |
LANG 601 |
Biblical Hebrew |
LANG 602 |
Biblical Greek |
LANG 603 |
Coptic Language |
CHAD 501 |
Church Administration |
CHAD 502 |
Church Bylaws |
CHAD 504 |
Coptic Canon Law |
CHAD 501 |
Church Administration |
CHAD 502 |
Church Bylaws |
CHAD 503 |
Diaconate Service |
CHAD 504 |
Coptic Canon Law |
Marriage Preparation |
3PHDC 711 |
Writing of St. Athanasius & St. Cyril |
3PHDC 712 |
Ecumenical Dialogues |
3PHDC 713 |
Early Coptic Writings |
3PHDC 715 |
Theological Applications |
3PHDC 716 |
Biblical Theology |
3PHDC 761 |
Systematic Theology |
3PHDC 760 |
Dogmatic Theology |
3PHDC 700 |
Ecumenical Councils |
3PHDC 752 |
Orthodox Anthropology |
3PHDC 612 |
Comparative Theology |
3PHDC 614 |
Pastoral Theology |
3WRIT 691 |
Dissertation Proposal |
3WRIT 692 |
Dissertation I |
3WRTH 761 |
Dissertation II |
3WRTH 900 |
Dissertation Writing |