Course Tag: Israel


Archaeology of the Old Testament

This course (BIBL 606) examines the relationship between archaeological data and the Old Testament. This investigation takes special interest in current problems in the field of biblical archaeology, such as the origins of Israel and the United Monarchy. The science of archaeology, fieldwork, and research methods are introduced.

Egypt in the Bible

This course (BIBL 604) analyzes Egyptian history and culture, utilizing archaeological, textual, and iconographic sources. Biblical narratives that are set in Egypt, or where Israelite history intersects with Egypt, will be examined, with special emphasis on the Hebrew sojourn and Exodus.

Old Testament Theology

This course (BIBL 603) offers a study of the approaches to the theology of the Old Testament in the last two hundred years with an emphasis on the motifs of creation and redemption as integrative themes and as anticipatory of the coming of Jesus Christ.

Introduction to the Old Testament II

This course (BIBL 602) is an introduction to the Old Testament books, the literature of the Old Testament, the history of Israel, critical issues of Old Testament formation, methods in Old Testament study, and the theology of the Old Testament. This is the second course in a two-part series.

Introduction to the Old Testament I

This course (BIBL 601) is an introduction to the Old Testament books, the literature of the Old Testament, the history of Israel, critical issues of Old Testament formation, methods in Old Testament study, and the theology of the Old Testament. It is the first course in a two-part series.